Dienstag, 10. August 2010

From Port Douglas via Mission Beach to the Wallaman Falls (400km)

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Today we are heading back south, goodby Port Douglas, goodby North.
Our first stop is at Mission Beach. Between Bruce Highway and Mission Beach there are a lot of Cassowary roadsigns.

This is for good reasons as these birds, which are endangered to be extinct, are crossing the roads here quite frequently - Mission Beach is one of the few areas where you are likely to see one. We saw them on the entry to the Mission Beach settlement on the roadside. Cassowaries are birds that can become as tall as men and they cannot fly. The have unusual black feathers almost like rats. They are vital for the rainforest ecosystem as for 70 species of plants they are the only way to survive. The bird swallows their fruits and spreads their seeds with their pooh.

Mission Beach itself is a smalll but quite busy village. There is a lot of development here, many holiday cattages being built right at the seafront at outrages prices.

Both pictures show the main beach at Mission Beach. Aperantly at high tide the water reaches to the palm trees and no beach is left. There is a large park right behind the beach.

But unfortunately we could not find a BBQ there so we move on to South Mission Beach.

The small settlement is much more remote and there is an acceptable BBQ.

A 650gr Australian rumpsteak, pork medallions, cheese burgers and onions as well as bred, salad and very delicious marinted goat cheese, mhhh!

A walk on the beach and off we go.

Ooops, Joshua gets some bits by green ants, I think the also call them electric ants.

It feels like touching stinging nettles. By the way, there are warnings signs on marine stingers everywhere. And a part of the beach is protected by stinger nets.

Near the beach we have a chat with this guy who is on an around Australia tour by bycicle. He started in Perth nine month ago, went around the south and is now heading north. He expects to be back in Perth in about six month, good luck mate! By the way, the bike bags are German Ortlieb bags - they are simply the best.

Right behind Ingham we leave the Bruce Highway inbound to go to the Wallaman Falls. On our way we observe a caine train in operation.

Jeremia loves all sorts of trains and so we have to stay until all caine waggons have been coupled and the train leaves.

From Bruce Highway it is appx. 50km to the waterfall. This does not sound to much but in the end it took us more than an hour to get there. This is because of different road conitions. It starts with good rural roads, then some smaller roads with cattle grid. Then very narrow, steep roads up into the mountain (a roadsign warns that this is unsuitable for caravans). While we drive up the hill we hit the clouds and later on get through them and see the blue sky for a short while.

At the sign "10km to Wallaman Falls" the gravel road begins, this takes another 30 minutes! The road is very slippery from the rain.

Finally we make it just before sunset. We will visit the falls next morning and we stay on the nearby National Park cqmpground.

Very basic campground with some facilities you do not really want to use. Also there is no electricity and mobile phones don't work up here, too. So I will post this blog entry once we are back to civilisation.

This night we have extremely heavy rain and even a small thunderstorm. Hopefully the weather will be much better tomorrow. Now I say good night for today.

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Position:Wallaman Falls, Australia

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