Just after breakfast we prepare the campervan for the next long distance while the kids enjoy the jumping pillow again. We want to get as close to our final destination, Port Douglas, as possible. On the other hand the roads do not allow to go any faster than 100km/h and the kids need their breaks, too. We have to fill up our food stocks which we do at a mall on the outskirts of Townsville. The city is an industrial center in north Queensland with sugar cane mills, copper and zinc works. So we head further north till just before sunset. On our way there are again some bush fires...
...some are just aside the road...
We drive through Tully, the city that claims to be the most wet in Australia. So we reach the tropical rainforsts
Finally we reach the campground in Kurrimine Beach, a few kilometers south of Innisfail.
A walk to the beach with the coconut trees to the one side...
...and to the rainforst on the other.
Although it is a pictoresque view, a swim is not recommeded:
The kids enjoy their time on the playground.
They all have lots of fun before it is bed time...
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