Early in the morning we leave Bowen and take the 77 Bowen Developmental Road to Collinsville. Collinsville is a mining town in the coal-rich Bowen Basin region of central Queensland, Australia, 1245 km north of Brisbane and 87 km south-west of the coastal town of Bowen. The town is part of the Whitsunday Region. Current population of Collinsville is about 2,500.

European settlement of the region began in 1861 with the opening of the lands to pastoralists, with some cattle stations still in operation. Coal was discovered in 1866 but it wasn't until 1912 that large-scale mining operations commenced. The town was originally known as 'Moongunya', an aboriginal word that roughly translates to 'place of coal'. On the 20 September 1921 it was officially renamed Collinsville after Charles Collins who was the Labor MLA for Bowen from 1915 to 1936. Coal is surface mined.

And transported to the coast via train.

After about three hours we reach Makay and about another 30 mins later we are at Grasstree Beach.

We have been here two years ago and it still is this remote lovely place. The settlement has a few houses and has over the time changed from a holiday location to a place where families have settleded down. Some work at the hugh coal terminal at Hay Point. There coal carried by train from the Bowen Bassin is loaded onto ships.

As all these nice beaches, there is a stnger issue here as well - especially in summer.

(c) Dirk Frantzen 2012 — published via iPad
Position:Anzac St,Sarina,Australien
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