They were keen to get some bread. But then they stole Jeremias banana, jummy...

To come back to our campground this night. Our intention was to stay "somewhere" at Biloela.

As the main campground was fully booked, we called the Kroombit Tourist Park. I think I overheared that it was 35km away from Biloela. All signs were invisible in the dark anyway and we called again on our way down this road.

The park is a really basic bushcamp with some cowboys running it. There is a saloon and bull riding, a kitchen with open fire, fireplace. The kids enjoyed it - especially the fireplace.

What we had not been told was, that the last 5km to the camp were gravel!

That was some real fun in the dark. However, the landscape is wonderful ans no other sounds than those of some birds.

The gravel road was really very washed out and it was good to see that they started flattening it in the morning.

This is the Kroombit dam.

And here starts the tarmac road back to Biloela.

Bileola once had a train station - gone, no trains anymore.

On our road south we find an old, renovated train station - no longer at the train track but at a picknik site.

We also had a stop here two years ago on our way to Gympie

Jeremia scared of snakes, spiders and scorpions...

In a small town on the road we buy some sweet juicy mandarines

Turning from the highway on a "main" road to Gympie...

The necessary stop at Gympies heritage train station.

This is where the steam train "Valley Rattler" departs.

The old pedestrian crossing - open two years ago - is now rotten and closed.

After almost 600km we reach Dicky Beach.
(c) Dirk Frantzen 2012 — published via iPad
Position:Henzell St,Dicky Beach,Australien
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